TPM5 - Transnational Progress Meeting

On 10 June 2022, the 5th Transnational Project Meeting took place at the University of Eastern Finland in a hybrid format. The meeting was combined with the project’s second Multiplier Event, organised from 8 to 10 June in Kuopio.

The purpose of the meeting was to monitor the progress of the project, verify the progress of the activities and coordinate the final steps leading to the project closure. 

After a general overview of the progress of the activities, Tor Vergata University of Rome as leader of the Intensive Training Programme, presented the final contents of the training held in presence from 11 to 15 July at Villa Mondragone (Rome). Details on the number of participants per university, as well as their academic backgrounds, were also presented. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in charge of the management of the e-learning platform Open edX, ensured participants' access to the e-learning modules (IO1) and monitored their progress.

UAntwerpen updated the partners on the state of the art of the Blended Courses Guidelines (IO2) according to the last implementations agreed upon during the meetings dedicated to IO2.


TPM6 - Transnational Progress Meeting

The 6th Transnational Project Meeting was held in a hybrid format on 11 July 2022 in parallel with the Intensive Training Programme (C8) at Tor Vergata University of Rome Conference Center - Villa Mondragone (Rome). Although originally scheduled in presence in Madrid, all partners agreed that, due to key topics to be dealt with in the meeting, Tor Vergata University would have been the most suitable partner for organising and running the meeting.

The review of the LTTA achievements was at the core of the meeting: Tor Vergata, as leader of the Intensive Training Programme, confirmed the actual arrival of 35 participants and detailed the way in which the activities were set, taking care of the Covid restrictions and, at the same time, encouraging high interactions among participants. 

Tor Vergata shared with all the partners the results from the initial survey distributed among the students in order to get a picture of their background and their expectations. 

Finally, the budget reallocation was discussed among the project partners, considering the successful restart of the Intensive Training Programme in presence and the forthcoming event in Lisbon.


TPM7 - Transnational Progress Meeting

On 3 August  2022, the final Transnational Project Meeting for the project's official closing took place at Nova Information Management School in a hybrid format. This final appointment was combined with the project’s final Multiplier Event organised on 2 and 3 August at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

This official project closure, after having dealt with the last open issues related to the final financial report, was focused on how to exploit the BUDS outcomes after the end of the project, updating the list of stakeholders and identifying more potential users of the e-learning course and the Blended courses guidelines.

Partners discussed how to give continuity in time to the BUDS experience, laying the foundations for future joint activities.